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About Me

About Me

I gave birth to My Tagus Bulletin in mid 2019.

Almost 8 years to the day since I gave birth to my second child.


Neither of my pregnancies had been what you'd describe as easy...

... after my children were born I experienced severe exhaustion and weight gain.


Before the kids, I'd always been full of energy, but even when I started to get my sleep back... my energy levels just didn't seem to return.


I suffered from a variety of ailments, which doctors couldn’t properly diagnose and cure.


Asking around my friends, this seemed to be a recurring problem.

And it's just not talked about that much...

... women think it's "just what happens", and it's natural.

But I didn't think so... and I took my own deep research to find answers.

I don't have all of them, but I've come a long way. I was able to recover my energy levels and I look with optimism to the future.

And I want to share what I've learned... even if I can help just one other woman, it'll be worth my purpose...

And just maybe, that's you...

To Your Health & Wellness

Sandy C. Pro

I gave birth to My Tagus Bulletin in mid 2019.

Almost 8 years to the day since I gave birth to my second child.


Neither of my pregnancies had been what you'd describe as easy...

... after my children were born I experienced severe exhaustion and weight gain.


Before the kids, I'd always been full of energy, but even when I started to get my sleep back... my energy levels just didn't seem to return.


I suffered from a variety of ailments, which doctors couldn’t properly diagnose and cure.


Asking around my friends, this seemed to be a recurring problem.

And it's just not talked about that much...

... women think it's "just what happens", and it's natural.

But I didn't think so... and I took my own deep research to find answers.

I don't have all of them, but I've come a long way. I was able to recover my energy levels and I look with optimism to the future.

And I want to share what I've learned... even if I can help just one other woman, it'll be worth my purpose...

And just maybe, that's you...

To Your Health & Wellness

Sandy C. Pro

Healthy Today Blog

Healthy Today Blog

Enjoy the health & wellness you deserve!

Enjoy the health & wellness you deserve!